[Ivy's Pentacles]


Borage, Cedar, Columbine, Fennel, Iris, Masterwort, Mullein, Ragweed, Rose, Sweetpea, Tea, Thyme, Tonka bean, and Yarrow.

Magickal suggestions for courage:

Get some small dried sweetpeas or Tonka beans (if possible). Put them in a small bag or sachet. Hook it onto your belt or put it in your pocket, and then begin to spin around in a private place where no one can see you. Start off slowly and go faster and faster, getting dizzy. When you have reached dizziness, try to imagine what you're nervous about or the event for which you need courage. Once you've got it in your mind, stop. As you do, grab your sachet of beans and clutch it tightly, and try to stop being dizzy as quickly as you can. Try to use the beans to help root you to the earth, and don't fall. Chant to yourself, "As I do not fall now, I do not fall later," or something else that you come up with, and remind yourself that even in extreme situations you are the master of your emotions. Take the bean sachet with you on the important day or event and clutch it if you have any residual nervousness.


If you have a continual problem with being courageous, you might try growing a thyme plant in a pot outside. Water it and tend to it when you feel particularly uncourageous, and times when you are courageous, also tend the plant. You can charge it with rose incense and add a little bit of your favorite tea to its water to help charge it. When it starts to grow, use bits of it in other magickal workings.


Take a hematite stone with you into situations that require courage. These can be soaked in tea or rubbed with cedar oil to increase effectiveness.

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