Magickal suggestions for healing:
To heal minor afflictions or just feeling a little under the weather, take an apple and slice it sideways (so that you're slicing on the "equator," if the apple's stem is the north pole), so that the star of seeds in the middle shows. Dust both sides of the apple with cinnamon and chew, imagining that all the juice you swallow is bringing you up to your normal healthy self. Drink lots of water afterwards and if it is possible allow yourself to have a nap. Other natural remedies include ginseng tea, potatoes, and anything citrus.
Use a white, light blue, or light green candle for this, one that you can burn all the way down. Use this one if you have a nagging cold or something that has been afflicting you for a while. Coat the candle with olive oil (or a substitute of any oil made from the herbs above), and if desired, inscribe a health rune with a quartz crystal. Hold the candle in both hands and strongly try to feel a moment when your affliction is no longer bothering you. If your nose is stuffed, blow it before you start, and have a peppermint. You want to have a moment of clarity so that you can extend this island of healthy feeling to your magick. Now transfer the cause of your sickness to your candle, and as you do it, take healing energy from the earth as best you can, up through your feet if you are standing, like a tree. Transfer your sickness out of you and fill yourself up with health and energy. Now light the candle and watch it burn for a while, and put it somewhere (like your bathtub) so that it can burn all the way out. As it burns, hopefully so too will your sickness, until it is gone, released from your body, only to be replenished with healthy energy. Repeat this if it is ineffective the first time.
To heal your own or another person's severe diseases, you will want a purple candle and some clay. Use a hair, clipping, or small token (even a paper with a signature will work) and embed it in the heart of the clay, to make a figure resembling the sick person. Use a different color of clay to represent the sickness; for instance, if the problem is cancer, place a piece of clay on the part of the body that has cancer. Now anoint the purple candle with allspice, cinnamon, rose, or gardenia oil (or the spices themselves if you can't get the oils), and light it, letting it burn a bit, and concentrate on the figure. Take some black thread and wrap it around the different colored clay, using the thread to cut it from the body. Wrap the clay up completely in the black thread so that only black can be seen, concentrating on containing the disease and stopping its spread and its connection to the body. Brush the figure with black pepper for courage to make it through the disease without fear. Now, drip the purple candle's wax onto the figure, sealing up the wound where the disease was removed. Hold the figure, envision your friend or yourself filling with energy from the earth, then dunk the figure in a glass or bowl of water to be cleansed. Keep the figure on your altar and send energy to it whenever possible, and dispose of the sickness wrapped in black thread by throwing it over a barrier of some sort, like a river or a fence.
To heal yourself or others, place some of any of the above herbs (especially bay leaves, ginseng, or rosemary) in two bowls with water. Lie down in between the two bowls on the floor, and meditate for a moment, envisioning health flowing out of the herbs and the earth into the bowls of water. Now place your hands in them as you lie on your back, in a comfortable position. Ask for the universe to heal you (or another person) and try to absorb the energy into your body (if for another person, project this energy to them or transfer it to a charm). If desired, place your hands on the afflicted body part and transfer the energy there.
To make a healing necklace to heal and keep away sickness, acquire hematite beads and apple seeds. When soaked in water for several hours, apple seeds become soft enough to pierce with a needle. Thread them onto some string and intersperse with hematite beads to make a necklace or bracelet, or keychain charm. Use white thread if possible.
Make sure to concentrate on increasing health if the moon is waxing but banishing sickness if the moon is waning. The slant of magickal workings should be performed in accordance with the cycle.