[Ivy's Pentacles]


Banishing and invoking pentagrams are used in all of the Sabbat rituals on this page. It is important to know how to use them as symbols; the banishing pentagram will be used to symbolically end something, while the invoking pentagram will symbolically begin a new something. They are used in the Sabbat rituals to end the old season and begin the new. They can also be used in spells or other rituals to ceremoniously banish or invoke any influences desired. Here is how to do them.


Hold up your athame and say any appropriate words on the subject of the banishment’s intent. Draw a banishing pentagram in the air with the knife blade. The banishing pentagram is the star shape starting at the lower left point moving up to the top point. Always end on the same number you started on. You can “send” the sign into the ether by kissing the athame blade and pushing the star’s center so that it fades away from sight.

[banishing pentagram]


Hold up your athame and say any appropriate words on the subject of invoking’s intent. Draw an invoking pentagram in the air with the knife blade. The invoking pentagram is the star shape starting at the top point and moving to the lower left. Always end on the same number you started on. You can “send” the sign into the ether by kissing the athame blade and pushing the star’s center so that it fades away from sight.

[invoking pentagram]

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