The Priest and Priestess take their place near the altar, but not in the spiral. When the circle is cast and all who are attending are within the circle, the Priest (if Croning) or Priestess (if Sageing) will escort the Elder into the spiral and proceed widdershins into the center where the Elder will be seated. The Priest/ess returns deosil to the altar.
The Priest will announce:
“Before our high Gods, Within this circle protected by the Guardian Spirits of the four directions, do we gather this night to honor one among us who is worthy of this rite.”
The Priestess replies:
“Lord and Lady We have gathered this night to honor the one who has been known to us as (Craft or real name). From this night forward, in recognition of their service unto you, O Mighty Ones, and to us, your children, shall they be known as (new Craft name).”
Here is where you will share the simple feast with all in the circle. When this has been completed, the Priest will take the black cloak and say:
“Here do I hold the Cloak of Darkness, with the protection of its magick may (new Craft name) pass among the shades and shadows of the night, unharmed by malignant powers, and move unseen among their enemies by day. And may its color, black as ebony, remind us all that they are now a sibling/sister/brother to the Crone/Holly King (or Oak King).”
Now the Priest places the black cloak of the Crone about the shoulders of the Elder. He stands by their side while the Priestess picks up a staff and says:
“Here do I hold the Tree of Life whose trunk connects the Three Worlds, of Above, Middle and Below. As (new Craft name) came to these ways like the youthful Fool, bearing the burdens of the mundane world, now are they relieved of their burdens, having followed the Ways of the Wise. Now do they wield the Staff of Wisdom. Let it symbolize to us that they are free to go their way and merry part, or like the Hermit on the Hill, remain a beacon in the night.”
The Priestess then presents the Staff to the Elder. The Priest takes up the end of the red cord near the Elder and hands it to her/him and says:
“You who have sat at the center of the Circle, Long may the thread of your life be. Take and wind it as you will, and live happily ever after.”
The Priest and Priestess escort the Elder deosil as the Elder winds up the cord around their hands. After the cord is wound, the three move back to the altar where the cord is placed. A mixture of salt and water should already be there and consecrated. The Elder blesses the Priest and Priestess with the mixture making the sign of the Sun Wheel on their foreheads with the forefinger, and proceeds to bless the other members. At this time the members and Priest/ess may exchange gifts with the Elder.
In closing the circle, the Priest and Priestess will say something like this:
“As our brother/sister (new Craft name), on this night enters the realm of the Crone/Holly King (or Oak King), let us all remember that our lives are measured by the turning of the Wheel and the spinning of the Silver Cord. Elder (new Craft name), we wish you long life and happily ever after!”
And everyone together says:
“So mote it be!”
Source: Myrddann of Pagan Culture Center