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Couples can be married, or handfasted, under the umbrella of a Pagan faith, just as in other more mainstream religions. It is traditionally done in the summer around or on Beltane or Litha, so that the couple may engage in fertility rites to conceive children, assuming they want to, but like any ritual it does not "have" to be at any particular time of the year. Pagan handfastings are different from more common marriages in that they are not necessarily a lifetime binding agreement. Most of the time, a couple enters into handfasting for a trial year and a day; later, the vows can be renewed every year or a special ceremony can be cooked up to bind for three years, nine years, or life.
Most handfastings are not legally binding marriages recognized by law. Often a couple who wishes to have more than just a "trial" handfasting (a year and a day) will be "legally" married in a courthouse (or however the families wish), and handfasted with their worship groups. However, if a High Priest or High Priestess of the coven is legally registered to marry couples, it can be considered legally binding, assuming the circumstances are correct and there are witnesses.
Couples often jump over a broom, fire, sword, or cauldron (or combination of these) to cement their acceptance of each other's love. Often they will do so while tied together at the hands by the High Priest or High Priestess.
Following are some sample handfasting rituals.
Simple Handfasting Ritual: Stardancer's Page
Full Ceremonial Handfasting
Traditional Handfasting
Winter Solstice Handfasting
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