Lady and Lord, I call out to thee! I hold you in honour, And know that I am one with the things of the Earth and sky. My kin are the trees and the herbs of the fields, The animals and stones, through the seas and the hills. The fresh waters and deserts are built out of thee, And I am of you and you are of me. Lower your arms and say: I call upon you to grant my desire. Let me rejoice in my oneness with all things, And let me love the life that emanates from my Lady and Lord Into all things. I know and accept the creed: That if I do not have that spark of love within me, I will never find it outside myself, For love is the law and love is the bond. This do I honour when I give honour to the Lady and the Lord. Kiss your right palm, hold your hand high, and say: My Lady and my Lord, know me as ....( real name)..... I stand before you both and dedicate myself to your honour. I will defend and protect thy spark within me, And seek thy protection and defense of me. You are my life and I am of you. I accept and will ever abide by the principle of harm none, For what is sent returns. So mote it be!Source: ObsidianAnoint yourself with the anointing oil on the third eye with a symbol of the God, then the symbol of the Goddess over it. Then make the sign of the pentagram over the heart. Raise your arms, open them wide and say:
As a sign of my rebirth and initiation into the craft, I take for myself a new name. As I study the craft that I may be called Witch, I shall be known as ....(magickal name)....... Know now my name, my Lady and my Lord, And see me as this name and as part of you both. So mote it be!
Lower your arms and meditate for a time on your new path begun and being in the Old Religion. Let your feelings flow from your body and let the touch of the Goddess and God enter. Raise both hands high and say:
I am blessed by the Goddess and God, By their attendance at my initiation! Know that I am your child, .....(magickal name)........ And receive me into your guidance!
Hold a chalice of wine (or juice et cetera) in your left hand and your athame in the other. Slowly lower the point of the athame into the chalice, and say:
As male joins female for the benefit of both, Let the fruits of their union promote life. Let the Earth be fruitful, And let her wealth be spread throughout all lands.
Lay down the athame and drink from the chalice, leaving some for the Goddess and God, to be poured over the earth later on. Replace the chalice to the altar and pick up the athame. Touch the point of the athame to the cake in the offering dish and say:
This food is the blessing of the lady and the Lord, Given freely to me. As freely as I have received, May I also give food for the body, mind and spirit, To those who seek such of me.
Eat the cake, leaving some for the Goddess and God, to be buried later on. Say:
As I enjoy these gifts of the Goddess and God, May I remember that without them, I would have nothing. So mote it be!
When you have finished, say:
Lord and Lady, I am blessed, By your sharing this time with me, Watching and guarding me, And guiding me here and in all things. I came in love and I depart in love.
Let the elements of your circle depart, and then say:
Beings and powers of the visible and invisible, Depart in peace! You aid in my work, whisper in my mind, And bless me from the otherworld. There is harmony between us. My blessings and thanks may you take with you. The circle is cleared.
Take up your athame, go to the North quarter, point your athame to the ground and walk widdershins around the circle. As you walk envision the energy flowing back into your athame. Say:
The circle is open yet the circle remains. As its magical power is drawn back into me.
When you have returned to the North point, stand before the Altar and say:
The ceremony is ended. Blessings have been given, And blessings have been received. May the peace of the Goddess, And the strength of the God, Remain forever in my heart. So mote it be!