[Ivy's Pentacles]


A Wiccaning is a ritual done for a new baby to both bestow a name for this life officially and to put the baby under the protection of the God and the Goddess. It is similar to Christening or Bris in that the child is recognized by the religion as a part of it, though it makes no claim to "bind" the new baby to a path. Trying to shape a child's beliefs through a ritual they are beyond too young to understand is ineffective, but it is mostly for the benefit of the parents who wish their child to be under protection. A third purpose in some rituals is to assign a godmother and godfather to the child.

Here is a very simple Wiccaning ritual, from Ed Fitch's Magical Rites from the Crystal Well:

On the first night after a baby is born, or the same night that the birth takes place, the mother or father (or midwife, if she is a close friend or relative) should take the infant out under the stars. The child should first be held up to the sky, saying:

"O Lady of the Starry Heavens, Wise All-Father,
Behold this lovely child ________.
Conceived and brought forth
In love."

Place the child on the ground briefly, saying:

"Hail Earth, Mother of All.
This is my infant, my love,
And my jewel.

Bless and protect them,
Granting your enduring and eternal
Strength, and steadfastness.
May they ever have a spirit
That seeks the stars,
And roots deep within
Thy loving breast."

One should then clasp the child close and look about for a few minutes, for those who are gifted with second sight are often able at this time to see prophesies for the child or the mother.

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