[Ivy's Pentacles]


This is a ritual heavily based on the Farrars' Wiccaning ceremony as outlined in A Witches' Bible.

Guests should be invited to the circle, except in the case that the two parents are acting as High Priestess and High Priest and do all of the ritual themselves. They should then ask each other questions and give answers in the place of all the parts where the High Priestess or High Priest asks questions and the parents answer. And lastly, if this is to be done just by the mother or father in a solitary circle, it is best to simply make it personal and do all the consecrations, blessings, and anointings but otherwise just ask for the protection of the God and Goddess, give the child their full mundane name and hidden "witch" name if they are to have one, and wish them well on treading whatever path turns out to be the right one for the child.

Guests can bring gifts for the child, which will go under or beside the altar. The child should be either naked or clothed in white blankets or blankets that have appropriate symbols on them. The High Priestess will preside over the ritual if the child is a boy, and vice versa if the child is a girl. They will wear symbols of the sun and moon.

On the altar you should have consecrating oil that will be put on the baby's forehead, and some very light incense that will not be too strong for the infant. The circle is cast as usual, with everyone present sitting around inside its barrier. The parents should hold the child and the Priest and Priestess should be up by the altar. The partner of the leader will be in charge of handing them the materials during the ritual.

The leader says these or similar words:

We are met in this Circle to ask the blessing of the mightty God and the gentle Goddess on [child's name], the son/daughter of [mother's name] and [father's name], so that they may grow in beauty and strength, in joy and wisdom. There are many paths, and each must find his own; therefore we do not seek to bind [name] to any one path while they are still too young to choose. Rather we do ask the God and the Goddess, who know all paths, and to whom all paths lead, to bless, protect and prepare them through the years of their childhood; so that when at last they are truly grown, they shall know without doubt or fear which path is theirs and shall tread it gladly. [Mother's name], mother of [child's name], bring them forward that they may be blessed.

The father and mother bring the baby to the altar and hand them over to the leader. They ask:

[Mother's name], mother of [child's name], has this your child also a hidden name?

The mother replies:

Their hidden name is [child's hidden name].

The leader anoints the child on the forehead with oil, marking a pentagram, and says:

I anoint thee, [child's name], with oil, and give thee the hidden name of [child's hidden name].

They repeat this with wine, saying,

I anoint thee, [child's hidden name], with wine, in the name of the mighty God.

They repeat the action with water, saying:

I anoint thee, [child's hidden name], with water, in the name of the gentle Goddess.

Then the leader gives the child back to the mother and leads the parents around to the four quarters of the circle, and introduces the child to each element in the following or a similar way:

Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, we do bring before you [child's name], whose hidden name is [child's hidden name], and who has been duly anointed within the circle. Hear ye, therefore, that she is under the protection of the God and the Goddess.

Then the parents join the Priest and Priestess facing the altar, with their child between them. Then the Priest and Priestess bestow gifts on the child:

Priest: O Mighty God, bestow upon this child the gift of strength.

Priestess: O Gentle Goddess, bestow upon this child the gift of beauty.

Priest: O Mighty God, bestow upon this child the gift of wisdom.

Priestess: O Gentle Goddess, bestow upon this child the gift of love.

Then they all face the circle and the leader asks the guests to send out godparents:

Are there two in the Circle who would stand as godparents to [child's name]?

If there are, they come forward and each godparent stands in front of the Priest or Priestess of the opposite sex of themselves. If the Priest or Priestess (or both) are accepting these roles, or just one of them is (at this point they ask if one will join them as godparents), make the necessary adjustments.

The leader asks the godparent of a different gender than the child:

Do you, [godparent's name], promise to be a friend to [child's name] throughout their childhood, to aid and guide them as they shall need; and in concord with their parents, to watch over them and love them as if they were of your own blood, 'til by the grace of the God and the Goddess they shall be ready to choose their own path?

The godparent replies the affirmative, and then the other coven leader asks for the same promise from the other godparent.

After this, the leader says:

The God and the Goddess have blessed them;
The Lords of the Watchtowers have acknowledged them;
We their friends have welcomed them;
Therefore, O Circle of Stars,
Shine in peace on [child's name],
Whose hidden name is [child's hidden name].
So mote it be.

Everyone in the coven echoes "So mote it be." Then everyone is seated, and the Priest and Priestess pass around consecrated wine and cakes. It then becomes a party; the baby can be given a feeding if necessary, and gifts are exchanged and opened.

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