[Ivy's Pentacles]


If wine and cakes are to be a part of a ritual, they should be purified just like any substance of ritual value. This ritual is geared for a coven or working pair, but can easily be done by a solitary Witch with a few minor adjustments.

To consecrate the wine and cakes:

A male witch kneels before a female witch in front of the altar. He holds up the chalice of wine to her; she holds her athame point downwards, and lowers the point into the wine.

The man says:

"As the athame is to the male, so the cup is to the female; and conjoined, they become one in truth."

The woman lays down her athame on the altar and then kisses the man (a blown or finger-placed kiss will work, or a forehead kiss; it does not have to be a kiss on the mouth). He remains kneeling and she accepts the chalice from him. She sips the wine, kisses the man again, and hands the chalice back. He sips, rises, and gives it to another woman with a kiss. The chalice is passed around to the whole group with a kiss each time, until everyone has sipped.

If there is more work to be done, the chalice is returned to the altar; if not, it is placed between them and anyone may drink from it at any time. Refillings do not have to be re-consecrated.

The cakes are consecrated by the woman holding her athame over them as the man holds the dish. She draws the invoking pentagram in the air above the cakes, and the man says:

"O Queen most secret, bless this food into our bodies; bestowing health, wealth, strength, joy, and peace, and that fulfillment of love which is perfect happiness."

The woman puts down her athame on the altar, kisses the man, and takes a cake from the dish. She kisses him again, and he takes a cake. Then he rises and passes the dish to another woman with a kiss. Everyone takes a cake and a kiss until everyone has taken one.

Source: The Farrars' A Witches' Bible, adapted from Crowley's Gnostic Mass, with original alterations.

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